- Automatical insertion a table of contents (configure post types and position).
- SEO-friendly: table of contents code is ready to use by Google for snippets on result page.
- Insert by shortcode, Gutenberg block or widget.
- Button on toolbar of the classic editor.
- Gutenberg block into “Common Blocks”.
- Setting the minimum number of headings to display table of contents.
- Setting the depth of headings for table of contents.
- Skip headings by level or text.
- Hierarchical or linear view.
- Numeration items: decimal or roman numbers in order or nested.
- Customizable appearance: width, float, title font size and weight, items font size, colors.
- Color schemes (dark, light, white, transparent, inherit from theme) and the ability to override colors.
- Toggle Show/Hide (optionally)
- Customizable labels.
- Smooth scroll (optionally).
- Setting offset top for smooth scroll.
- Wrap table of contents with <!–noindex–> tag (optionally).
- Pretty hash in URL (like example.com/faq/#how_do_this).
- RTL support.
- Available override global settings for a particular post.
- Highly compatible with WordPress themes and plugins.